Root directed, co-wrote, and produced this indie film with Jules Bruff on a shoestring budget. It won eight film festival awards and is streaming on Amazon.
Root directed this short film for fellow Bennington College alumni, Ryan O’Connor, who wrote and executive produced. Root felt the story would play better in French, so she cast actors who spoke both French and English. The English version is called “Beautiful,” but Root prefers French.
Root directed this short parody of “Orphan Black” and “Orange is the New Black” for Jennifer Sorenson, who wrote, produced, and stars in all ten female roles. Filmed in an active prison over two days in Orange County. It has won 2 film festival awards and has over a million views on its YouTube channel. It screened at Comic Cons all over the United States and Canada as fan fiction with GeekFest.
Orphan is The New Orange – facebook
Alethea Root is an award-winning director and producer. Her recent feature film, Good Side of Bad, was the opening night film at the prestigious Dance with Films Festival in Los Angeles and has gone on to win the “Audience Award” at the National Endowment for the Arts sponsored Festival of Cinema NYC, the “Grand Jury Award” at the Awareness Film Festival in Los Angeles, and she won “Best Director” at the Albuquerque Film and Music Experience in New Mexico. Her first feature film, “Part Time Fabulous,” available on Amazon, won eight festival awards, including two “Audience Choice Awards,” the “Film 4 Change Award,” as well as the “Exploring Humanity Award” for her directing. Her first music video, “Lonely” won her three film festival awards for “Best Music Video.” She also produced a short for AMFM Fest, “A Love Story,” which won an Emmy for “Best Short Form.” Root is part of the producing team for When You Get Lost, which premiered at the Austin Film Festival and won the “Audience Award” for Best Comedy.
Alethea got her start in film production as a production designer. She is best known for her work on the Academy Award Winning short film “West Bank Story,” and the Emmy Winning web-show, “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog”. She has Production Designed several feature films and countless music videos and commercials. To view her production design work follow this link: Production Design work.
Alethea currently serves as a board member for Ten Thousand Villages, Redondo Beach, and is the chair of the development committee. She previously served on Woman In Film’s Executive Committee for their PSA program. She has several features in development and is committed to telling paradigm-shifting stories that help elevate the human condition.
Alethea Root